Category Archives: Creams

Eva Naturals Vanilla Bean Night Cream

Smells. So. Good.

Cost At the Time of Writing the Review: $14.95
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

I’m a sucker for anything vanilla. It’s a classic scent, classic flavor, classic everything. If I can take that wonderful scent and make myself smell like that? While also helping my skin? I am all about that. Yes.

This is a pretty decent night cream, too. There’s a lot going for it, such as a good ingredients list. Anyone who knows me knows I’m obsessed with ingredients, because I like to be highly conscious of what gets absorbed into my body. The downside would be how heavily fragrented the cream is. While it smells amazing, it shouldn’t be used on sensitive skins because of that. So, really, for most people, that would mean it doesn’t work as a facial cream.

My girlfriend, someone who has that kind of sensitive skin, has used it on her hands, neck, and elbows without any negative effects. Her skin was soft and smooth, afterwards, which is what you would hope for. The cream doesn’t appear to have much of a drying effect on the skin, either.

The cream is light, and absorbs into the skin very quickly, a minute or two tops after rubbing it on. You don’t feel oily after using it, or feel like you now have a second layer of skin on top. A little goes a long way, as well. It spreads out well, so the two ounce jar that I reviewed, and used quite a few times, is still barely even dipped into at this point. That’s good on the wallet.

I do have a theory, and it’s only speculation because I haven’t reached out to the company to find out, but the vitamins(the Bs, C, and E ones) are at the far bottom of the ingredients list, which implies they aren’t in very high doses, leading me to wonder at their true effectiveness. Again, just speculation.

I love that it comes in a glass jar. A company is only as good as their presentation, and Eva Naturals cares about how their product looks. It also doesn’t force them to slap a higher price tag on the product, either. That’s respectable. This is a nice product, and I was glad to try it out.

I received this product discounted for purpose of review.